(This is probably a male oriented posting!)
'They' say "All Publicity is Good Publicity."
Don't know who 'they' are but that's apparently what 'they' say.
I wonder what 'they' would make of this…
(sqeamish people: look away now…)
I went to the movies tonight (X-Men Wolverine…'nuff said). At the end I was feeling rather 'full', so off I go to the little men's room. While I am splashing around, what do I spy but this:

Can you grok it?
An in-urinal drain-cover advertisement!
This is either a brilliant advertising ploy or a really poor, desperate idea.
I wonder: have 'they' really thought this one through? Subliminal associations, and all that…
Let me see…
CON: piss-poor; taking the piss; piss-ant; piss off; piss-artist; couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery
PRO: it was a piece of piss to use; piss easy
Seems to me like the CONs have it…
Hopefully someone at the responsible ad agency will read this and consider whether this was a bridge that just shouldn't have been crossed.
Once again, I am reminded of The Space Merchants.
Oh no! There's more out there ("If you're a marketer who is trying to capture a male audience is a way no one else has, urine luck.")!