Table of Contents
There's a lot of good stuff here...
Lots of articles covering various ecosystems: Java, Groovy, Windows, Linux, Agile, XML and so on, alongside a few 'rants', a few opinion pieces, some fluff and some uncategorisable gems.
Page: 1.htm
- Queensland Dance Centre
- Livin' On The Grid
- Off With Its Head!
- Building The Perfect Beast
- Using Groovy's ConfigSlurper To Support External Configurations With JEE7's CDI
- Misfiring Neurones
- Can't We All Just Get Along?
- Thanks Angela!
- Creating ConfigSlurper Files Programatically
Page: 2.htm
- Getting Into (A) State With Java 8 Streams
- It's Java 8 Playtime!
- Using Spock Configuration in Grails
- Artifactory and Grails
- Grabbing A Library That Is Not In Maven
- New & Improved: Getting A Hibernate SessionFactory
- Keeping Up With The Joneses
- Kill A Process With A Specific Command Line From The Command-Line In Windows
- Enterprise & Media Storage In The Cloud
- Playing
Page: 3.htm
- Commenting XML
- Updating Namespaced Attributes With Groovy's XmlSlurper
- AWSomeDay
- Java And Windows
- Data-Driven Documents In The Browser
- Geb Runner For LoadUI
- Recipes For Testing Grails
- Disaster!
- Microsoft Simplifies IE Testing
- Prepending A Node With Groovy's XmlParser
Page: 4.htm
- Gorgeous GBench
- Will Code For…Extraordinary Wealth
- Triangle Groovy Koan
- YOW! Workshops 2012 - Brisbane
- Functional Programming with the Stars
- Using Betamax to Mock HTTP-based Interactions
- Strategy And Tactics And Architecture
- Testing and Evaluating a Simple Set of Classes
- Derived Properties In Grails
- Moving Grails' Configuration Around On Windows
Page: 5.htm
- String Micro-Benchmark
- January 2012 GroovyMag
- More Scribbling
- A Tool For The WiFi Itinerants Among Us
- What The Flip Is Happening On My Network?
- History
- More GroovyMag Verbosity
- Nokia with Windows Phone Training
- The Wheel Is Turning
Page: 6.htm
- The Gr8 Technologies, Macau 2011
- Groovy-WSlite
- A Pattern to Simplify Grails Controllers
- Adopting Agile in an Environment of Fear
- Enabling load balancing and failover in Apache CXF
- Wireless Is For The Birds
- The Agile Coach Toolkit
- Groovy/Grails Live Snippets
- A Great JBoss Resource
- "The Space Merchants" Radio Play
Page: 7.htm
- SQL-99 Complete, Really
- Crazy Cool?
- A (Simple) GroovyMag Article
- A Simple Bit of GPars
- If I Said You Had A Beautiful Body, Would You Hold It Against Me?
- In A Whimsical Mood
- Unit Testing XQuery Using OSB's API
- The Emperor's New Service Bus
- How The World Will End
- More Java Futures Speculation
Page: 8.htm
- You Just Had To Be There!
- Why Spring?
- CI: Continous Integration Or Coitus Interruptus?
- More Tragic Still
- The Three States Of Testers
- LogMX: The Universal Log File Viewer
- Sad Times In The Land Of Java
- Good Words On SVG From Microsoft
- I'm An Apple Fanboi!
- Happy Towel Day!
Page: 9.htm
- Nicely Put!
- Thank You, Dr. Cliff Click, Jr.
- Another GroovyMag 'Masterpiece': Gambling on Griffon And Grails Going Gangbusters
- Capturing Build Info In Grails
- Grails' RemoteFunction Tag
- Five Pages Full Of Golden Words
- One Terrific Post On (Some) Grails' Performance Issues
- Another UML Tool
- Playing With GPars
- Grails' chainModel
Page: 10.htm
- Grails/Ehcache Tip
- Senator Conroy Must Go!
- Video Piracy For Dummies
- The Old (Groovy) Switch-eroo Again…
- It's A Two-Way Street
- Happy (Lunar) New Year!
- GroovyMag February 2010: Another Article By Yours Truly
- Copy Image From URL To File
- StarUML
- The Groovy Internet Mood Meter in SVG
Page: 11.htm
- Batch Processing with Spring Batch
- MarkupBuilder, How Do I love Thee…
- Solving the Enterprise Integration Puzzle with Spring Integration
- About Bloody Time!
- Happy Birthday Transentia!
- Font Squirrel
- Microsoft Calendar Printing Assistant
- Truth In Advertising!
- JRobin
- JavaMelody
Page: 12.htm
- Why tables for layout is stupid…
- A Visual Explanation of SQL Joins
- No Clean Feed!
- UML Stuff
- BarCamp Brisbane IV
- Oracle Cloud Computing Roundtable Luncheon
- Tweaking The Grails Datasource To Cope With MySQL's Foibles
- A Small Tool For The Color-Theme-Challenged Designer
- Brisbane is "Groovy, Baby!"
- Man's Inhumanity To Man
Page: 13.htm
- Cascading Lists with Groovy's SwingBuilder
- Another Groovy Micro-Benchmark
- Excellent Presentation From Agile2009: "Mapping The Change Battlefield"
- Groovy Map Surprises
- Apologies To Readers
- GrIMMiS Article In September's GroovyMag
- Another Factoid For The Memory Box: Embedded Images In HTML
- More "No Clean Feed" Stuff
- HTML Color Names
- IBM Images A Single Molecule
Page: 14.htm
- Hasta-la-vista Flatpress; Hola WordPress!
- Stop SQL Developer From Being So Annoying
- Configuring Reference Data In Grails (Redux)
- Working Through Associations With GORM
- Pimped-Out Grails BootStraps
- A Small Improvement In Grails' GORM Subsystem
- Viewing Grails' In-Memory HSQLDB Database
- What I Learned Today: Constraining Relation Cardinality In GORM
- What I Learned Today: Groovy Default Parameter Goodness
- JBoss Briefing Breakfast
Page: 15.htm
- Best Practices For JNI
- Gaelyk
- A Quick Overview
- Global Financial Crisis
- Sales, Cleaning and IT
- Barcamp Brisbane III: The Search for Flock
- Configuring Reference Data In Grails
- My Volley In The Browser War
- Another Interestesting InfoQ Agile Discussion Roundup
- JPA Implementation Patterns
Page: 16.htm
- What I Learned Today
- Examples and Tests for SVG Animation
- Another Book Read
- Room For Improvement?…Always!
- Another Book Read: Version Control With Git
- I Want One!
- The Perils Of Being A Smarty-Pants!
- Java Technology and Development Courseware: Now DonationWare
- SOAP/WebServices Courseware: Now DonationWare
Page: 17.htm
- Developing with JavaScript Technologies Courseware: Now DonationWare
- XML Overview for Developers Courseware: Now DonationWare
- Lessons From Suncorp's Transition To Agile
- Groovy Templating Follow-Up
- SCARY And Inspiring!
- Another (Slightly Surprising) Groovy Micro-Benchmark
- 97 Homilies And Platitudes, At $0.77 Each
- Curiosity Killed The Cat…Dunno What It's Doing To Me!
- A Quick Play With Groovy Templating
- Times Must Be Tough For Spammers Too
Page: 18.htm
- It Just Keeps Getting Better
- A Forlorn Hope: An Open Letter To Australian Senator Steven Fielding
- CHere: A Cygwin 'Trick' To Remember
- Brisbane CITCON 2009
- Oracle Free Breakfast Session
- Jobs Train Wreck
- Dilbert Considered Harmful
- Yet Another Useful Groovy Snippet
- This Makes Me Sad
- Unix System Administration Courseware: Now DonationWare
Page: 19.htm
- "Elements Of Enterprise CI" Flyer
- You'll Never Be A Good Agile Developer!
- Using PrettyTime With Groovy
- Patching Groovy With Java
- SpringSource ToolSuite 2.1 Supports Spring Batch
- Another Book Finished
- Does This Constitute Brain Damage?
- Interview Questions
- Trivial Groovy Micro-Benchmark
- Groovy With…
Page: 20.htm
- A Few Ribbons Around The Griffon's Tail
- Converting Legacy Rails Apps To Grails
- GroovyMag June Issue…Now 80% Bob Brown Free!
- Absolutely!
- National "Change Your Password Day"
- A Little Griffon Tip
- Riding The Griffon
- The Bumper List Of Windows 7 Secrets
- Keep Taking The Valium, Guys
- Oh The Pain!
Page: 21.htm
- Tag Cloud
- The Growth Of Grails
- Is SOA Dead?
- A Nice Little Overview Of Kanban
- JBoss 5.1GA
- SoapUI 3.0 Beta
- Java Look And Feel Graphics Repository
- Happy Towel Day!
- Brisbane: Beautiful One Day, Flooded The Next!
- Still!
Page: 22.htm
- If A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, What About A Comic Strip?
- Scrum and SVO-p
- Swing Explorer
- SOA Source Book
- Windows 7
- Brilliance, Or…?
- GroovyMag May Issue…Now With Added Bob Brown
- Just Not As Cute
- Beyond Budgeting
- Works As Advertised…But It's Not Grails
Page: 23.htm
- "Hi! I'm Tux The Linux Penguin"
- …Must…Resist…JRuby…Scribble…
- Welcome, World!
- Significant Search Technology
- Java, Groovy, JavaFX
- The State Of The Groovy World
- A Big Thank-You
- A Guru, Eh!
- Pretty Useful Pivot
- A Pair Of Useful Utilities
Page: 24.htm
- Scrum Refcard Available
- I Want My Air-Penguin
- How to Do Things Your Customer Didn't Ask For
- A Big, Sad, Happy Day
- The Agile Unified Process
- That's Life…
- "…you kind of suck at your job…"
- Productivity With Grails And Git
- Introduction To Scrum For Managers
Page: 25.htm
- A Teeny Augmentation To User Stories
- More About Finding Unused Jars
- Why Java, Indeed…
- Three Interesting Reads
- Well!
- Anyone For Curry?
- How To Find Unused Jars?
- Professionalism In Our Industry?
- Thought For The Day
- Pushing The Boundaries Of Modern Programming Language Design
Page: 26.htm
- If Two Heads Are Better Than One…
- I Need A Laugh
- Thank-You Oracle
- April Fools(?)
- Want To Hear Something Sad?
- Excellent Refcardz
- Revenge Of The BDoc?
- Anyone For A Game Of Poker?
- Internet Traffic Report
- Welcome, World!
Page: 27.htm
- Signatures Past And Present
- Avoiding XML DTD/Schema Lookups
- A Cuteness Interlude
- Why Java?
- An Interesting Project
- That About Sums It Up
- Virtual Developer
- Unacceptable
- Someone Had To Say It Eventually
- 10 Must-Know Topics For Software Architects In 2009
Page: 28.htm
- Newsflash: All Browsers Have Bugs
- How To Fail With Agile
- Become An ASS!
- Groovy With…
- A Useful SOA Reference Site
- You Learn Something New Every Day
- Excellent!
- Waste Not, Want Not?
- Best Book I've Read In A Long Time
- Map Your Mind
Page: 29.htm
- Better Than A Bottle Of Wine
- Inventing A New Statement for Groovy In ~10 Minutes!
- Not The Future We Planned…
- Experiences From The Aunty
- 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know
- Is Agile Development More About Culture Than Process?
- More T-Shirts!
- SOA & The Tarpit of Irrelevancy
- How's the Agility?
- Inspirational
Page: 30.htm
- M is the new WWW
- The "Coolest" DHTML Calendar
- Don't Let Your Packets Leave Home Without It
- A Universe of Apps…and Pain
- A Very Good Presentation
- Java Can't "Do Realtime"
- A Page to Remember
- Better than Butter, I am!
- Another Bit of Personal/Professional History
- The Really Big Index
Page: 31.htm
- The Tea-Bag
- You Cannot be Serious!
- Real Life vs The Nerds
- Further Back in History
- When Trouble Comes A-Knockin'
- The Story So Far…
- Oh, BABI!
- A Little Memento…
- Will Code for Food…
- Let 'Em Have It!
Page: 32.htm
- Musing…
- Another Useful Resource
- Is Going for the Low-Hanging Fruit Good Enough?
- I, For One, Welcome our new Robotic Overlords…
- May The Force be with Your Tests…
- And I Only Just Jumped on the Scrum Bandwagon…
- Pithy Pieces of Perspicacity
- Happy Lunar New Year!
- Welcome, Perf4J!
- An Interesting Survey
Page: 33.htm
- That Vision Thing
- The Curious Cat
- Perhaps I'll Open a Bag Shop…
- The Cleanup Continues…
- Ah! Memories!
- Head(ing) in(to) the Clouds
- A Piccy From the Past
- One Source to (D)Rool Them All…
- Some Other Very Wise Sayings…
- A Better Way?
Page: 34.htm
- Instrumenting Java and Groovy Code with JMX (Wonderful WebFlow Part IV)
- Load Testing (Wonderful WebFlow Part III)
- Testing WebFlow (Wonderful Webflow, Part II)
- Wonderful WebFlow
- Simple Subversion
- Continuous Integration
- I Feel So Scrummy…
- A Festive Testing Article
- Another Couple of Interesting Tools
- Unit or Functional(*), That is the Question
Page: 35.htm
- Goodybye Ant, Hello Gant
- Gotta Love This Site!
- Green is Good, but easyb may be Even Better…
- No Clean Feed!
- Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa…Doing Ourselves a Disservice
- I am now Certified…
- What Features Characterise "Enterprise Applications"?
- Another Outstanding Tool: SoapUI
- Documentation: Very Wise Words
- Documentation: the Bane of Every Consultant's Life!